Næring til að draga úr tannkuli


Cavex ExSense is the perfect solution for sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth often occur as a result of dental erosion or exposed dentin. Cavex ExSense is based on 2% hydroxyapatite that seals the tubules and microcracks in the enamel using a hydro-dispersing sol. In doing so, it completely closes off sensitive areas. The addition of 0.1% potassium nitrate also restores the micro-hardness of the elements. In addition to complete closure, crystallization takes place which supports and accelerates the remineralization process.

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ExSense næring til að meðhöndla tannkul. Virka efnið er 2% hydroxyapatite 

  • Dregur úr tannkuli
  • Kemur í veg fyrir tannkul eftir tannhvíttun
  • Gerir yfirborð tannanna mjúkt og glansandi
  • Styrkir og lengir áhrifin af lýsingarmeðferð

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